January 24, 2006

Ugh…Problems Arise Already

Posted in Uncategorized at 6:27 pm by surelysims

I’m getting most of this down and I understand about 90% of it, but…where do you find your sims pictures? I know that that is a very silly question but as soon as I figure that out, this site will be running. I would appreciate all advice!


  1. Jen said,

    Hi there! Thanks for stopping by my site and leaving a comment. For your Sims pics, it depends on whether or not you have University. If you do, look in My Documents -> EA Games -> Sims 2 -> Neighborhoods -> your neighborhood -> Storytelling. If not, it’ll be My Documents -> EA Games -> Sims 2 -> Storytelling. Hope that helps! Good luck getting up and running. 🙂

  2. I wasn’t sure where exactly to answer your question on my blog about aging townie children. You can age the children if you have Nightlife with the agesimscheat on/off. If you have University teenage townies and NPCs can go to college with your sims. That is how I got them in my game.

  3. surelysims said,

    Jen: Thanks a million! Maybe I’ll actually get my blog off to the right start!

    Heather: Oh, I see. I was so confused…thank you for answering my question!

  4. Great resource. keep it up!!Thanks a lot for interesting discussion, I found a lot of useful information!With the best regards!

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